Saturday, November 2, 2013

Stairway Paradise In Oahu

Haiku Stairs also known as "Stairway Paradise", is a steep hiking trail on the island of Oahu.
The trail begins as a simple wooden ladders, stairs ascending toward the cliffs south valley Iku. It is set during World War II to create favorable conditions for the construction of a giant radio, is hidden in a secret volcano has long downtimes.

Unlike other radio stations, radio stations of the United States Navy did not use any towers at all, only the antenna cable runs between the cliffs of the valley Iku, along with a building on top mountains at an altitude of about 850 m, to transmit the signal to the distant end submarine Tokyo gulf (Japan) or contact connections between Wahiawa district with the U.S. Navy station.

In the early 1950s, 3,922 people replacing wooden stairs with metal to reduce the danger to hiking in the continuous rainy weather. Stairs replaced quite narrow, only one-way traffic.

At the end of the 1960s, the radio station was converted into a positioning system (OMEGA stations), while maintaining the stairs ended. Under the effects of natural erosion stairs, rust and terrible danger. So, this area was officially closed in 1987, not for the public as well as tourists visiting hiking to the remodeling process.

You can find H3 highway below, looks like a snake through the Kaneohe Bay area and eventually out of sight in the Koolau Mountains.

By 2003, Haiku Stairs was completely repaired, the total repair cost was 875,000 dollars. A small amount that Honolulu city government spending, so they do not plan to open the back stairs for people to visit because of concerns about liability.

In the past, people used the stairs as an ideal stopover, they often climb the stairs to the final step is an overview of the amazing scenery around. Until today, the stairs have not reopened. Some hiking still aspire to someday, it reopened and people have the opportunity to climb up there to see the beautiful landscapes from above.

This is the view to the north, you can see the town of Kaawa and Kaneohe bay 

The road goes up and down is not easy, there are many slopes.

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