Friday, November 15, 2013

Osaka Travel


As the third largest city in Japan with a population of 2.7 million people, Osaka the island of Honshu, located right Yodo door river on the bay Osaka. Osaka which is the commercial center of Japan and is now the industrial center and main seaport, the "heart" of the urban triangle Osaka - Kobe - Kyoto.

Thành phố Osaka

Osaka is a city converged tradition and civilization, past and present. So long has this place become interesting address tourism, especially cultural, feng shui (the harmony of the environment).

Between the 7th century,Osaka  became the capital of Japan. At that time, the city is flourishing center of trade of many national waterway, through intricate system of rivers. It was from there, Osaka is known as the city of water.

The architecture is shown in Japan today factor that Europeans are learning, that is feng shui. From housing to parks, gardens, castles and other large buildings are Japanese note two factors combine mountain and river water (water paint), demonstrating harmony with the natural environment around.

Where to go, what to play?
Osaka City is the place for many Japanese people different nicknames : city water , Japanese Kitchen , the nation's gateway city fog ... That shows not only the Osaka area economic development . This city is the traditions contained , reflected mystery stories , the volume .

One of the highlights in Osaka 's many temples , shrines , pagodas . Each temple , a temple are associated with the area that the Japanese people are still devoted to this . Taiheji Temple in Osaka Japanese people believe that this is the 13th stop of the Buddha and is one of the 13 areas in the Buddhist world . So far, the Japanese family , when I was 13 , often leads them to visit this holy land , especially in the second 13 to 14 March each year .

Thành cổ Osaka
Osaka Castle is one of those places could not visit to this city . Toyotomi Hideyoshi was constructed in 1585 , it took 2 years and 20,000 workers to 30,000 workers each , the new Osaka castle completed . Osaka Castle was built in stone with three space . One of the great rock wall of the main space 2.8 m high , 14 m long .

Osaka Castle was burned in 1616 , then rebuilt . 1665 , also due to the war, destroyed the tower and most of the rest of the architecture of the castle was burned down in 1868 . 1931 , the main tower of the castle are the people to rebuild the city of Osaka in reinforced concrete today .

Beautiful cherry blossoms here compared to other areas in Japan . Guests will find an ancient castle enclosed in a forest flowers , forests and flowers that fit in to a lake and the lake is the distance between the park with four sides by high-rise buildings.


Visitors can stand on the highest tower of the castle look around , feel the beauty of radiant white flower carpet roses , blue water and sky printed on it ...

To Osaka , in addition to visiting many temples , monuments , castles , museums ... , tourists can witness the Osaka aquarium artificial the world's second largest . In southern Osaka is a project that the people here are very proud - it's artificial island of 160 hectares wide . Kaiyukan ( Hai Du shops ) located in Osaka Bay displays 35,000 marine species live in 14 large water tanks . Nipponbashi neighborhood bustling electronics , Osaka port with Glass buildings reappear ocean offers fanciful world's highest rotation help visitors enjoy a panoramic view of the city ... , are places worth visiting people .

Kansai airport is like an oasis because it was built on a land of sea encroachment Osaka city . To get there , passengers must pass through the bridge on the sea . And the best thing is when the aircraft began to leave the airport, you can feel the waves under my feet . If the construction of Hong Kong Airport , one must break the mountain . So here, the Kansai airport building , one must fill the sea .

Kansai airport
With the telegraph system specific , very detailed instructions and enthusiasm of staff at the airport , visitors to easily find a train to the city center to the airport Kansai .

Osaka is the famous shopping street Denden famous for electronics products , Namba with clothes and jewelry and other locations such as Shin - Osaka , Osaka - ko and the tallest building in Osaka , where you can view all Osaka .

Next, you can use the tram lines to go to the suburban location a little bit far , but also many interesting surprises .

Here visitors can not miss visiting the ancient gardens . This garden is no way for tourists as it is located in the middle of a lake . However, just walking around the lake watching the remote garden with sun ducks fondling each other very romantic laced with charming natural scenery is enough to make visitors satisfied . In addition, visitors have a chance to drop more of the typical Japanese style garden with flowers , leaves , lake , fish , birds ... If lucky visitors to this area on the occasion of May , they will have the opportunity to participate at a festival , the convergence of the players and floral scenes Japanese bonsai trees .

If you choose the sea, visitors will have the opportunity to admire the scenery viewed from the sea Osaka to see all the beauty of this city . From afar , you can see a tower crashes to the most in Japan .

If you sit on it , went out and took a round to at least 20 minutes . A little closer , you'll see a convergence aquarium most of the marine species in Japan and creeping up .

A vintage wooden ship called Santa Maria will serve visitors a fascinating tour , see Osaka harbor , the city of Osaka Kansai airport and remote .

The opposite side is the play area , recreation Universal Studio where you can revel in the context of the film 's famous Universal Studio movies such as " ET ," " Terminator ," " Jurassic Park " and enjoy great dishes like smoked chicken , steamed corn butter , grilled sausage with wasabi ...

Osaka Universal Studio
The terminal can say Osaka is a pretty ideal dating . You can watch the sea and lovers , walk in glass supply , go shopping or sit in the rotation comes up on the 100m elevation in the city watching the soothing music and listen to an introduction scene before eyes ...

But if you take more than one station , you can explore a new area of Osaka . It has a separate monorail system takes you to the extremes of the island . The first place that you are the center of commerce Trade Center . Come on holiday you will find it bustling atmosphere . Osaka is a little different to the port , where the family focus rather than lovers . It is a complex of shopping malls , entertainment and relaxation . In Asia and buildings Pasicfic Trade Center ( ATC ) has a lot of restaurants , exotic map here is cheap and you can be sure to find satisfactory souvenirs for their loved ones there . From children's toys , the fun stuff memories , what clothing to antique European and American style and European series of Asian restaurants of all kinds .

Step outside you can see the entire sea of tall palm harbor behind the straight line , the row interspersed with colorful flower beds under the roof -shaped blades . Stand out from the sea pier reaching back to try enjoy the unique architecture of the ATC stylized form a great boat hugged the shore ports . And one thing in particular where this pier also retain many memories of lovers . You can see hundreds of courses tubes with different shapes is enough to click on the bars . Over the course tubes have recorded names and dates as desired sending the invocation of a lasting love into the wind and sea .

World Trade Center Osaka

By the time the World Trade Center buildings , try to visit . First, you will be put into a transparent glass elevator that you can just go look at the landscape around the ground until things become like tiny toys . Then a narrow escalator will take you soaring up to level 52 , and you are in front of the entire city of Osaka stretches to the horizon . There are several places you can sit sightseeing is arranged like the cockpit of a spaceship . In the middle is a bar serving drinks , snacks and ice cream with a very affordable price , but also very delicious . Just sip a cup of sour cream strawberries sweet watching the city just after the cloud blur what is more interesting is not it ...

Each fair , Osaka welcomed about 20 million people in the current population is about 15 million . Not wrong when people dubbed Osaka is the engine of Japanese economic machine .

Go , go back on?

For more ways to Osaka . It can fly and go straight to Tokyo to Osaka bullet train . Another way is that you nonstop flight to Osaka to Kansai Airport , Osaka , and the beauty of the pride of Japan Osaka in particular and in general .

Tokyo and Osaka are connected to each other by the JR Tokaido Shinkansen . Nozomi trains require 155 minutes to Shin - Osaka from Tokyo station . Hikari trains are 20 minutes slower journey Nozomi while Kodama trains take about 4 hours .
Foreign tourists visiting Tokyo as a side trip from Osaka .

Local train from Tokyo to Osaka takes about 9-10 hours and often involves moving 4 train stations .
The route from Tokyo to Osaka buss ride takes about 8 hours . Currently the bus daytime activities and night. The buss car companies competing fiercely and had a lot of discounts for politeness .
If you travel by plane between Tokyo and Osaka takes about 1 hour . Most flights are often served at Tokyo 's Haneda Airport and Itami Airport in Osaka . A small number of flights is also served at Tokyo 's Narita airport and Osaka 's Kansai airport .

Osaka has two main city center and the main train station 4 . Two city center is around Kita Osaka / Umeda Station and Minami around Namba station .

JR Osaka Station is located in the center of the Kita district . Two other railways and subways 3 separate stations within the vicinity of JR Osaka station . The Shinkansen trains do not stop at Osaka station , but stopped at Shin - Osaka station . Ga Shin - Osaka is located in the north of JR Osaka Station by train .

Osaka City is served by seven different railway and subway companies . Most of the foreigners are going to Osaka by subway line and the line is operated by JR West .

Nankai Railway provides service from Namba in Osaka , Kansai Airport , and Mount Koya in Wakayama .
Hankyu Railway Umeda station connects with the northern Osaka , Kobe and Kyoto .

Osaka Kintetsu Railways connects with many tourist attractions in the southern Kinki region , including Nara , Kyoto , Yoshino , Ise and Nagoya .

Hanshin Railway connecting Osaka with Kobe . The route starts from Umeda Station and Nishikujo .

Keihan railway hub connecting Osaka to Kyoto center . The route starts from Yodoyabashi station .

To explore the island venues in Osaka from the city center , visitors should take the subway . Subway system has about 6-7 lines ( identified by different colors ) spread throughout the city . And to go to the other suburban locations , you should use JR trains ( Japan Railway ) or other types Kintetsu train . Each ticket is valid for one day , with a city map and a map of the subway route , visitors can discover a way to save the most Osaka .

Go when?

If you're a tourist visiting the city of Osaka (Japan ) , go at the end of March , early April because this is the best time for tourists to be able to fully experience the beauty of Osaka unlike most all other cities in Japan .

Shopping and prices?

Train fare from Tokyo to Osaka 13,240 yen is no place dedicated to any train , around 13,500 yen for the reserved seat or Hikari and Kodama trains about 13,800 yen for reserved seat on Nozomi trains .

Train fare from Tokyo to Osaka on the seat reserved for Hikari trains is 12,000 yen .

Fares from Tokyo to Shin - Osaka seats reserved for the Kodama trains is 10,000 yen and will receive a free drink .

If the travel package includes travel by train from Osaka Hikari denTokyo and a night at the hotel in Tokyo , it takes about 22,500 yen a person .

Similarly, the free plan in Osaka 2 days for tourist visit as a trip to Osaka from Tokyo was 23,100 yen .

If you take the train from Tokyo to Osaka fare quite expensive , about 8510 yen , however, with a Seishun 18 Kippu you can do a trip is 2300 yen .

Bus fares as Bus 123 , start around 5000 yen . The more comfortable buses cost about 8500 yen .

Airfare from Tokyo to Osaka is about 19000 yen , however , many more visitors to pay 13000 yen thanks to the discounts for domestic flights .

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